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Acupuncture and bio-electricity technology Training and Test Program

作者:456852 更新时间:2024-04-23 点击数:

Acupuncture and bio-electricity technology

Training and Test Program 



Channel is the most important theory in TCM and there is a saying “blocked channel causes pains”. Associated professor Wang Yuling from Peking University, a western MD and Ph.D. has proven that the channel is the bio-electricity by her research and published “study on the TCM channel essence of bio-electricity” in 2007. In 2008, her book <Bio-electricity Medicine and TCM> was pressed and it has been adopted in medical education program. Bio-electricity medical research centers and bio-electricity medical technology school have been also established in 2009.


2Acupuncturechannel and Bio-electricity

Acupuncture is based on channel theory and Bio-electricity resonance technology is developed on channel bio-electricity which is much easier to operate with highly safety and effectiveness. Its effectiveness has been proven much significant, much faster and more unique, even the current president of WFAS, Dr. Deng Liangyue, has experienced three times, one time for lumbago and two times for gout, all pains vanished after 2-3 time treatments.


3Training Contents

Training program covers channel and bio-electricity, bio-electricity circulating system, bio-electricity and difficulty diseases, bio-electricity diagnosis technology and treatment skills. All training program are given by Dr. Wang yuling, the chief scientist and founder of bio-electricity medicine and technology. It is guaranteed that all the participants will be able to cure more than 20 difficult diseases including Meniere syndromes, gout, low back pains and joint swollen etc.

Table 1. Training and Test Program

 Training program

Training Fees

Test Fees



Bio-electricity practitioner

(Non Chinese nationality )



4 -7 days


Acupuncture and Bio-electricity Doctor

(All nationalities )



4 -7 days


Test skill promotion



2 days


4、Participants qualifications

All medical professionals and non-professionals interested in easy and effective new health technology.

Consulting Phone:00-86-(010)-51281229, +0086-13911607949English)

Website: www.21swd.com

Email: swdwang@163.com




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联系方式: 18811329313 电子邮箱: swdwang@163.com

主办单位:北京神康康复医院 北京神康医用科技有限公司

支持单位: 山东省教育厅,山东科协,山东农业大学,山东滨州医学院,北京大学医学部,北京军区总医院,安徽太和县中医院,世界针灸学会联合会

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