

传 真:18811329313



What is Bioelectricity circulatory system (BECS)?

作者:456852 更新时间:2024-04-23 点击数:

A: BECS is the system covering environmental energy, holistic bioelectricity, organ bioelectricity and molecular charges. BECS has five major features. The first feature is biological phenomenon: bioelectricity exists within biological structures; when dead, the bioelectricity will disappear. The second feature is integration: bioelectricity in the body makes a well-knit network, interconnected with each other to form a circuit system. Third feature is conductivity: bioelectricity flows within the body and response to environment. Bioelectricity can be conducted, and therefore, a bioelectricity measured near the heart is not the bioelectricity entirely generated by the heart, but a sum of bioelectricity generated from entire body and conducted to that area. The fourth feature is material as bioelectricity exists although it is not visible. The fifth feature is non-anatomic in nature, something more yet to be identified further: current understanding on bioelectricity in living bodies is far from enough and the corresponding independent anatomical structure is yet to be found.

The presence of BECS is manifested by its function. In fact, in CM, yin and yang, channels, points and gas are all invisible and tangible. Our consciousness, mental state, soul, psychology and even life itself are also invisible and tangible.


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