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Human Channel Bio-electricity Circulatory System, Function and Health

作者:456852 更新时间:2024-03-11 点击数:

Peching University Associate Professor    Wang Yuling

Johns Hopkins University student      Tian Ran

Abstract: Bio-electricity is the basic characteristic of life and its study has been shown for hundreds years but focusing on cell level, that is the studies were all focusing on the formation mechanism of cell electronic potentienls. Up to now, there is no systemic study on the system of bio-electricity of the all bio-electricity process between mollecular, celluar, and organ and intergrated, as well as their transformation with the magnetic field.
According to this study, firstly, we believe that the existence of bio-electricity or not is the identification between life and no-life. Once a live individual lost its bio-electricity, his life stoped. Secondly, the maintenace of life is directly related to those tisues and organs which are bio-electricity active, and in another word, tisues and organs activety in bio-electricity is the regulating system of life, when the regulating system is unballaced, it will lead to diseases. Lastly, the rthme of bio-electricity covers level, acticity degree (frenquency) is related directly to human health.
This thesis firstly described the bio-electricity circulatory system in human body, which is the bio-electricity transformation processing system. The features and functions of bio-electricity circulatory system has been fully descriped at different levels. Bio-electricity circulatory system is the “software” of human life while the body strucute (material systems of eight) is the “hardware” of life. This Bio-electricity circulatory system is the ninth system in the human body and it is the basic essence of life and its main function is the immune system for the body and its changes will lead to abnormal feeling, so called phenomenons and the mechanism of subhealth.
Key words: Bio-electricity circulatory system, subhealth, immune system, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), channels, ninth circulatory system

According to physical functions, human body is classified into eight systems in Western medicine (or called modern medicine), including motion system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, circulatory system, nervous system, reproductive system, and endocrine system. However, how these systems are so harmnious with each other? Which material can be the medium? 
In this thesis, it systematically discusses the formation and function of human bio-electricity circulatory system, the “ninth circulatory system” in the human body.

Ⅰ.What is the bio-electricity circulatory system
Bio-electricity circulatory system is the bio-electricity formation, transformation and function system (The upper part of the schematic 1). The lower part of schematic 1 is human structure circulatory system.

Schematic 1: The life material system

Ⅱ.Components of bio-electricity circulatory system

The essence of life activity and its response to the environment is bio-electricity. Therefore, bio-electricity can be recognized as the nature of life.

Schematic 1 demonstrates that bio-electricity circulatory system is the inter-transformation between molecular charges, cell resting potentials and action potentials, tissue and organ bio-electricity, the intergarted body bio-electricity and environmental magnetic field. This system is an open circulatory system.

1. Molecular chargeselectric property and functions

All organic or inorganic molecules, even DND and proteins have their unique electrical properties (such as the nature of charges, number of charges and state of charges). They generally presented in ionic state in the body. Inorganic molecules can reveal the ionic state, and these ionic are positive or negative, e.g., sodium chloride will be present in the body for the chloride ions and sodium ions. Molecullar types and quantity in different bodies will change, but the nature of the charges is constant. Meanwhile, as a whole, any number of positive and negative charges inside the human body is also always in flux. Molecular electrical power is the basis of the bio-electricity circulatory system, without molecular charges, there will be no cell bio-electricity developed.

Molecular electric property is the basis of bio-electricity circulatory system, and therefore, it is the basic unit of life. Firstly, it compose cell membrane by the polarity of phospholipids, when the polarity of phospholipids is getting weaken, the cell membrane will change and even break. Secondly, protein functions relys on the activity of the protein charge regions. Once the protein charge regions are neutralized, the protein will be inactivated and die. Thiedly, the cellular resting potentials and action potentials depend on the flow of inorganic ions’s movement between cell menbrane including Potassium, Sodium, Calcium and Magnesium, when there is no movement and there will be no cell bio-electricity. Forthly, the inorganic ions can also regulate the protein activity and also play drive role for water movement and this is the reason for edema. When there is acute injure on some part of the body, the death of some local cells would release different charged matters, and the local site will suddenly become a highly charge distributed region. For most of the charge carriers are giant molecules, they enter the humor circulation in a quite slow speed, as a result, much water will retented to dilute thoses charges, so that the human body charge can be maintained in a balanced condition. The water retention will cause edema, and the edema will affect the local cells’ function in returns.

2. Cellular bio-electricity and its functions

Cellular bio-electricity contains resting potentials and action potentials, which are formed by the movement of the ions (molecular charges). During the process, the molecular bio-electricity transforms into cellular bio-electricity. The cellular function can be embodied by the levels, strengths and frequencies of resting potentials and action potentials.

Cellular resting potentials and action potentials dominate the vitality of cells. Cellular action potentials change will lead to misfunction of the cells; the abnormal resting potentials will lead to the cellular malfunction. The vanishing resting potentials mean the cellular death. For these reasons, the bio-electricity condition has the direct relationship to the function of organs.

3. Tissue and organ bio-electricity, functions

Tissues and organs are composed of different cells, some cell’s bio-electricity are active, and others not. The total bio-electricity generated by a variety of cells in tissues and organs is tissue and organ bio-electricity. It is known that the major components of heart are myocardial cells, connective tissues and nerves. Myocardial cells and nerve cells are the most active bio-electricity part. Theoretically, the heart bio-electricity, electrocardiogram (ECG), ought to be detected directly on the surface of the heart. However, current clinical detection of ECG is not the bio-electricity of the heart surface, but the bio-electricity of body surfance (Intergrated body bio-electricity).

The tissue and organ bio-electricity is the essence of human physiological functions. All of the human activities are related to bio-electricity. Whenever one person blinks or wants to move, all the functions are under the control of nerve electrical signals, the related muscle cells will change the action potentials. The change strating from the resting potentials to action potentials, and then return to resting potentials again.When an organ’s action potentials are weaken, that is, the action potential frequency or the strenghth of most cells in this organ decreased, the function of this organ would be lower. Bradycardia and hypothyroidism are the examples. In contrast, when an organ’s action potential frequency or the strenghth increased, the function of this organ would become hyperactivity. Cardiac thrill and hyperthyroidism are such examples.

4. Intergrated body bio-electricity

The bio-electricity generated by molecular, cellular and organ activities can not be respectively detected, but the bioelectricities on different levels intergrate with each other, and present an intergarted bio-electricity.

Firstly, the intergarted body bio-electricity is the coordinator of the different tissues and organs’ functions, the amassment and deposit of the mollecular, cellular, tissue and organ bio-electricity. The banlance of the intergarted bio-electricity is the precondition of each tissue and organ harmonic functional relationship. Secondly, the flow of intergarted body bio-electricity is the prosess of body temperature and its maintance. The abnormal ntergarted body bio-electricity will lead to a low temperatue or fever, when one died, if he still have temperature and he might have chance to come back to life, if he has no temoerature, then he is dead. Thirdly, the intergarted body bio-electricity might be the immune system. At present, most modern medicine does the researches for immune system only on the structural level. In human body, there are various cells coposing the different systems. The features of cells can domain the function of the organs and systems. It is known that human life begins with one cell (the oosperm), and each time of cell division generates bio-electricity. With cell divisions and devisions, the body strucuture grows as well as the formation of bio-electricity circulation system. After the birth, human body cells are still in a great high speed of division and growing period, and the bio-electricity circulates in the body, and regulates the human development. Thus, the bio-electricity circulatory system is the essence of human life, and also the immune system. Young people have normal and strong bio-electricity circulation while with strong resistance, so they are healthy. As the age increases, the body bio-electricity generation and circulation will change by the influence of terrestrial magnetic fields. When the body stops growing, the bio-electricity generation will reduce slowly, which will lead to the weaken bio-electricity circulation, so the resistance will also derease and disease risk will increase. Once the intergarted body bio-electricity disappears, life will come to the end. Forthly, when the intergarted bio-electricity has some minor changes, the body will manifest some symptoms, though there is no human body structure detected. This condition is defined as subheath.

5. Vitro electricity circulation and functions

The interrelationship between human body bio-electricity, environmental magnetic field and food electricity is the vitro electricity circulation part of the bio-electricity circulatory system. This interrelationship is the basis of the relationship between human and the nature, in other words, man is an integral part of the nature.

Firstly, Vitro electricity circulation is the basis of same rhyme of sky-earth-people. Human body biolelectricity will changes with the sky, when it is daytime, we have strong bio-electricity and we are aweak, when it is night, we have weak bio-electricity and we need to sleep. Biological clock is the body responsing to the terrestrial by times. Secondly, Vitro electricity circulation is the people’s adaptive capacity to environment. Someone might fall ill in a foreign land, because he is not accustomed to the foreign environment. This inadaptability is caused by the dishomony between the intergarted body bio-electricity and the local terrestrial magnetic field. Thirdly, the body bio-electricity can be greatly affected by other environmental magnetic field, for instance, the nuclear radiation can ruin the human heath. Lastly, body bio-electricity can be influenced by the food electricity, the animal’s bio-electricity, even other people’s bio-electricity. Thoese influence can bring to human emotional changes.

Bio-electricity circulation system and TCM channels

According to the researches, channels and bio-electricity share the common features, such as the biological, intergarted, conductible, substantial, and nonstructural features. For the biological feature, it means that channels indwell human body. When the person dies, channels will disappear. For the intergarted feature, it refers that channels works as a network, they have interrelationship with each other, and form a whole and close (circuit) circulatory system. The conductibility means channels can conduct the sense, so that the physician can puncture on the distant acupoints. The substantial feature refers that channels are existent; however, they are still quite different from other substances (such as the molecules, cells, organs, and the whole body), yet closely related with those substances. The nonstructural feature means that until now that the anatomic structure of channels has been found.

Taking river as an example, river is consist of river-bed and water flow, water flow comes from spring from the earth and rain from the sky, and river-bed is part of the earth surface, and the concave and convex and the local fountain will change the water flow speed.

By the TCM channel bio-electricity theory proposed by Dr. Wang Yuling, channels are the generation, flow and the flow track of body bio-electricity. Channel consists of bio-electricity flow and flow-bed (body anatomy). Bio-electricity flow comes from body and the sky, and flow-bed is part of the body structure, and the concave and convex and the local active bio-electricity are the pionts and they will change the flow speed.

Bio-electricity circulatory system and its medical value and clinic application

1. Medical theoretic research

Modern medicine researches explore the diseases and the related treatments based on structural changes, So far, all medical the researches involved in the world have entered a great era of molecular biology. We know more and more about our body strucure, but it seems that we know less and less about diseases. Nodays, modern medicine is facing a delima situation, as people get richer knowledge about our body structures, but the overall understanding of human life has become increasingly blurred. People cannot find the relationship between themselves and the nature; they do not know the underlying causes of diseases, the relationship between the brain structure and consciousness, or even their own future. All those are due to the overreliance on the fine medical instruments and the ignorance of the general relationship. For the limitation of cerebral anatomy, the psychiatry and psychology have little anatomic support. Immune system is also the challenges to anatomy, which means that immune system migt not be anatomic system.

However, bio-electricity inside human body is nonstructural, the researches carried out in the past on bio-electricity is not enough in a systemic way. This new bio-electricity circulatory system is a area of bio-electricity research. This new theory may be helpful for those functional diseases. In thousands years’ development, due to the lackness of substantial basis for TCM theory, TCM has developed very slowly and very often faces with doubtness and oppugn. This bio-electricity circulatory system theory can hopefully explain TCM theory, that the TCM theory can be materialized with bio-electricity.

2. Chinic applications

Bio-electricity has been reseached for about 100 years, and it has recently been widely used in bio-electricity detection and diagnosis technology, such as ECG and EEG. More details can be seen in table


However, clinically, the bio-electricity detection and diagnosis technology are in a very awkward situationdue to the poor diagnostic accuracy and the high misdiagnosis rate, e.g., the heart disease dignosed by ECG is not acurate but highly in misdiagnosis. Besides, bio-electricity therapy, used as a physical therapy, is much embarrassing. The reason for this situation is that the bio-electricity detected from the body surface is the intergarted bio-electricity, and the intergarted bio-electricity is different from the organ bio-electricity. Taking ECG as an example, the ECG is not only the bio-electricity signal from the heart, it is clear that the live cells and organs inside the body all produce bio-electricity flowing up to the body surface which can not be seperately detected from the body surface. Therefore, using ECG for heart (organ) function evaluation is a misapplication as ECG is the intergrated bio-electricity for all organs.

The bio-electricity technology (BeT) based on the bio-electricity circulatory system theory is called bio-electricity resonance therapy. Bio-electricity flows in the body along the anatomic structure.

The differences BeTween BeT instrument and other electrotherapy instruments can be seen in Table


The clinical application of BeT sharing similarity with acupuncture is helpful for the functional diseases, which occurred by the tissues active in bio-electricity. At present, the clinical researches have been proved to the following diseases spectrum. Firstly, BeT is very useful for common diseases, including toothache, acute gastroenteritisl, pharyngitis, acute sprains, etc.; and secondly for rare illness, including pains (arthritis, spinal disease, lumbago, leg pain, and shoulder pains); paralysis, muscle atrophy; presbycusis; subhealth and insomnia. And the future research areas will be chronic dis

3. Unified medicine, the future of medicine

The development of medical theory is the premise of medical development. In the past 300 years, Western medicine based on material theory has been developed rapidly. However, life is one intergarted system. Therefore, there should be only one medicine system for one life system. Why we now have two medical systems and why cannot Western medicine and Chinese medicine be unified? The reasons are that TCM and Western medicine have different theoretical basis: TCM is based a theory system without clear observable structure while western medicne is based on physical structure theory. The day when the TCM theory is materialized marks the day TCM and Western medicine can be unified into one medicine system. No matter the oriental philosophy or the western science, they are all trying to describe the same substantial world using their own terms; therefore, they will finally have one unified understanding. The same way, since TCM and western medicine are all trying to describe the same one life system; theoretically, they will finally build up one unitified medicine system. Bio-electricity circulatory aystem might be the bridge for medicine unification. As the further development for bio-electricity, it will be applied to evaluate human life expectancy.

Ⅴ.Significance and future of bio-electricity

Bio-electricity is not the particular feature, but shared with the whole biological world. The bio-electricity circulatory system exists in other life forms. Therefore, other than medicine value, bio-electricity circulatory system might open a new door for biology, and biology might be integrated with electronics and informatics.


1. Wang Yuling. Bio-electricity medicine and TCM. Beijing: Xueyuan Press, March 2008

2. Wang Yuling. “The on the essence of TCM Channel Bio-electricity”. Frontier Science, vol 1 (2007): 85-91)

3. Wang Yuling. “BeT curative effect for intractable insomnia”. The International Forum on Sleep Medicine and Eco-health in Humankind, March 2007


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